
Marco Antônio Sousa Alves

Marco Antônio Sousa Alves
Marco Antônio Sousa Alves

Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Marco Antônio Sousa Alves is an Assistant Professor of Theory and Philosophy of Law at The Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He got his PhD in Philosophy at UFMG, with a research stage at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), in Paris, France. He is the organizer of the books “Life-death: biopolitics in perspective” (Vidamorte: biopolíticas em perspectiva, 2021) and “The information Society in question: law, power and the subject in contemporaneity” (A sociedade da informação em questão: o direito, o poder e o sujeito na contemporaneidade, 2019). Furthermore, he is the coordinator of the Information Society and Algorithmic Government Research Group (Grupo SIGA) and the Study Group on Philosophy, Law, and Power (GFDP), based at the UFMG Law School. He is currently a visiting scholar at the Surveillance Studies Centre, at Queen's University.

SSC Virtual Seminar Series: Marco Antônio Sousa Alves, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

New Power Regimes and Forms of Surveillance: The Pandemic as a Laboratory of Power

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

12:30 – 2:00 pm

Seminar recording available here


What are the main features of the new contemporary power regime and the emerging forms of surveillance? I intend to investigate this question following the steps of Michel Foucault, but looking beyond the sovereign,...

David Murakami Wood on Platform Capitalism

"Platform Capitalism, Empire and Authoritarianism: Is There a Way Out?"

By David Murakami Wood, Centre for International Governance Innovataion ( CIGI) , Series on Platform Governance, Surveillance and Privacy, March 15, 2021

The world will face more widespread and intensified surveillance, but this time it could be framed as something for our own good, for the good...

SSC Seminar Series: Rafael Evangelista (Professor, State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil)

Surveillance, Capitalism and the Global South

Wednesday, October 3 2018, 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

Mackintosh Corry Hall D411 


Surveillance capitalism is a global phenomenon, with ramifications around the world and different implications for specific regions, and to social and cultural contexts. It grows in places of weak urban regulation (Uber, Airbnb), low investments in education and infrastructure (Google Suite for Education), and...

Mark Andrejevic

Professor Mark Andrejevic
Professor Mark Andrejevic

Professor, Communications & Media Studies, Monash University, Australia

Mark Andrejevic is Professor of Media and Communication at Monash University, Australia. He writes about surveillance, popular culture and digital media and is the author of, Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era (University Press of Kansas, 2007), Infoglut: How Too Much Information is Changing the Way We Think and Know (Routledge, 2013) and Automated Media (Routledge, 2019). He is a member of the NSF-funded Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society and heads the Culture, Media, and Economy Focus Program at Monash University.

Abigail Curlew

Abigail Curlew completed a BA in Social/Cultural Studies at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador. This introduced her to an interdisciplinary approach to the social sciences through a focus on anthropology, sociology and folklore.  Her research focus is in new media, surveillance and social control. She is interested in pursuing these research interests over a variety of social media platforms such as Yik Yak and Tinder. She is currently a Phd student at Carleton University in the department of sociology.

Torin Monahan

Torin Monahan

Professor, Department of Communications, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Torin Monahan is a Professor of Communication at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research focuses on institutional transformations with new technologies, with a particular emphasis on surveillance and security programs. He has published over forty articles or book chapters and five books, including Surveillance in the Time of Insecurity, which won the Surveillance Studies Book Prize of the Surveillance Studies Network in 2011. Areas of expertise include ethnography, science and technology studies, surveillance studies, critical criminology, urban studies, and contemporary social and cultural theory. Monahan is a director of the international Surveillance Studies Network and an associate editor of the leading academic journal on surveillance, Surveillance & Society.

Kirstie Ball

Professor Kirstie Ball
Professor Kirstie Ball

Professor, School of Management, University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom

Kirstie Ball is Professor of Management at the University of St Andrews. Her research focuses on surveillance, security and privacy, particularly as these issues affect organizations. Her current empirical work focuses on the impact of national security on the private sector, particularly on front line workers; the public understanding of security, surveillance and privacy; surveillance and democracy; and privacy and the quantified self. Her theoretical interest concerns subjectivity and surveillance. Kirstie has been collaborating with Queen’s University since 2001. She was featured as a research collaborator in ‘The Globalization of Personal Data’ and as  Co-Investigator in ‘The New Transparency’. Kirstie has held grants from many of the major European social science funders, including the European Union Framework Programme, EPSRC, ESRC and The Leverhulme Trust.  Her published work almost exclusively appears in journals such as New Technology, Work and Employment, Labour History, Tourism Management, Work, Employment and Society and Organization. She has recently published the monograph ‘The Private Security State? Surveillance, Consumer Data and the War on Terror’ with Copenhagen Business School Press.  She has also edited ‘The Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies’, with Kevin Haggerty and David Lyon, and ‘The Surveillance-Industrial Complex’ with Laureen Snider. Kirstie was a founding editor of Surveillance and Society and a founding director of Surveillance Studies Network.

As a co-investigator of the Big Data Surveillance project, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Kirstie Ball is co-leading (with Colin Bennett) research Stream Two: Marketing. This stream will examine how massive data accumulation, analytical techniques and applications associated with big data are reconstructing practices of consumer marketing and political campaigning.


+44 (0)1334 46 4840

David Murakami Wood

Professor David Murakami Wood
Professor David Murakami Wood

Director of the Surveillance Studies Centre, Former Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Surveillance Studies and Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Queen's University, Canada

Educated at Oxford and Newcastle, UK, David Murakami Wood is the Director of the Surveillance Studies Centre, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, and former Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Surveillance Studies (2009–19). He is an interdisciplinary specialist in surveillance, security and technology in cities from a global perspective, working mainly in Canada, Japan, the UK and Brazil. He is a leading organizer in the field of Surveillance Studies as co-founder and now co-editor-in-chief of the international, open access, peer-reviewed journal, Surveillance & Society, co-founder of the Surveillance Studies Network, co-editor of Surveillance Studies: A Reader (Oxford University Press, 2018), Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence (UBC Press, 2021), and the forthcoming International Handbook of Surveillance Studies (Edward Elgar).

(613) 533-6000 ext. 74490
