David Eliot

SSC Virtual Seminar: David Eliot and David Murakami Wood, Surveillance Studies Centre

Minding the FloCs: Alphabet’s AI-first strategy and transformations in surveillance capitalism

Seminar recording available here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

12:30 – 2:00 pm

*Due to the limited capacity of the online-meeting platform, we have to adopt a first-come-first-serve principle. We will send the seminar link and password to registered participants.

Please RSVP to Joan Sharpe...

Minding the FLoCs: Google's Marketing Moves, AI, Privacy and the Data Commons

By David Eliot and David Murakami Wood, Centre for International Governance Innovataion (CIGI) , 20 May 2021 This piece examines Google's transition to being a primarily AI-centred company, and what it means for people and governments, particularly in Canada.

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David Eliot

David Eliot
David Eliot

MA Candidate, Department of Sociology, Queen's University, Canada

David is a first-year MA student in Sociology at Queen’s University under the supervision of Professor David Murakami Wood. His main research interests are radical right-wing populism and artificial intelligence. Consequent to beginning his MA studies David was awarded the Arthur B. McDonald Prize for Academic Excellence by Queen’s University. In 2020 he graduated from the Sociology department at St. Francis Xavier University. Upon graduation, he was awarded the Canadian Sociological Associations ‘Outstanding Graduate’ award for his BA thesis on text generating AI’s and their potential applications for disinformation campaigns. His work on test generating AIs has been presented at international conferences and is currently being published in a collected work.

Currently, David is conducting research on adtech and the intersection between surveillance capitalism and AI infrastructure. He recently published a co-authored article in The Conversation Canada with David Murakami Wood on evolving Google adtech technology and is working on follow-up publications on the future of Google's AI research, and its scope beyond advertising.

Google's AI Advertising and Privacy

"Google’s AI advertising revolution: More privacy, but problems remain"

By David Murakami Wood and David Eliot, The Conversation , March 15, 2021

Based on research by MA student, David Eliot, this short explainer outlines the changes Google is making to adtech, and why we should care.

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