SSC Seminar Series

SSC Seminar Series: Jay Handelman, Queen's School of Business

Jay Handelman, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Research, School of Business, Queen's University

The Multi-Directionality of Surveillance in the Consumer Space

Mac-Corry Hall, Room D411 (Sociology Lounge)

12:30 - 2:00 pm

Consistent with traditional concerns about surveillance, a current trend in Retailing is the analytics of “Big Data” as companies analyze mountains of consumer data in order to track and anticipate the consumer’s...

SSC Seminar Series: Malcolm Thorburn, Faculty of Law

Malcolm Thorburn, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Queen's University

Identification, Surveillance and Profiling: on the use and abuse of citizen data

Mac-Corry Hall, Room D411 (Sociology Lounge)

12:30 - 2:00 pm

This seminar addresses some concerns that have arisen recently about national identification schemes (such as the now-abandoned UK scheme). It distinguishes between (1) identification, (2) surveillance (understood very narrowly), and (3) profiling. Although...

SSC Seminar Series: Ian Warren, Deakin University

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room D411

12:30pm to 2pm

Zonal Regulation, Surveillance and Public (Re-)Ordering

Ian Warren
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Deakin University

Wednesday, September 19

This presentation examines the administrative powers enabling Australian police and private security agents to ban disorderly or violent people from designated urban business and entertainment zones. These approaches to securitization are slowly reconfiguring the idea of...

SSC Seminar Series: Gary Marx, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, MIT

Mac-Corry Hall, Room D207 NEW

Queen's University

12:30 - 2:00pm

Windows into the Soul: surveillance and society

Gary T. Marx will offer an overview of his recently completed book, which suggests a conceptual framework for analyzing the structure, means and goals of surveillance and the attributes of types of personal information. Basic contexts of surveillance involving coercion, contracts, care and "public" and information...

SSC Seminar Series: Lisa Austin

Lisa Austin, PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

Information and the Rule of Law

Wednesday, November 21
12:30pm to 2pm
Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room D411, Queen's University

Legal discussions of surveillance almost always take place within the conceptual (albeit contested) framework of privacy. In this seminar, Austin argues for the merits of a different legal framework – the rule of law – for...

SSC Seminar Series: Ariel Salzmann

SSC Seminar Series:
Ariel Salzmann, PhD, Department of History, Queen's University

The Iberian Labyrinth: identity and inquisition in the making of an early modern deportation state (1391- 1613)

Mac-Corry Hall, Room D411 (Sociology Lounge)

12:30 - 2:00 pm

Distinctive among Western polities, the Iberian state forcibly assimilated many of its Jewish and Muslim subjects. Ambiguous identities, however, created a unique dilemma not only for...

SSC Seminar Series: Shoshana Magnet and Corinne Mason

SSC Seminar Series:
Shoshana Magnet, PhD, Institute of Women's Studies, University of Ottawa
Corinne Mason, PhD Candidate, Institute of Women's Studies, University of Ottawa

Feminist Surveillance Studies and New Orientalist Articulations

24 October, Mac-Corry hall, D411 (Sociology Lounge)

12:30 - 2:00 pm

This presentation draws on the theoretical framework of feminist surveillance studies to provide a critical response to a 2008 United States...

CANCELLED SSC Seminar Series: Bill Staples

CANCELLED Bill Staples, PhD, Department of Sociology, University of Kansas

Documenting the Body; Creating the Self: governance and the modern birth certificate

MacCorry Room D411 (Sociology lounge)


Staples argues that the deployment of the birth certificate is a practice centered on the regulation of bodies, the government of conduct, and the formation of the self. An examination of this form of identification offers...

SSC Seminar Series: Rafael Barreto de Castro

Mac-Corry Hall D-411 (Sociology Lounge)

12:30 - 2:00 pm

Security Dispositifs: government performances articulated to video cameras in Rio de Janeiro

The main objective of Barreto de Castro's study is to make a socio-technical analysis of the forms of government in their relations with video surveillance, especially regarding its practices in the Operation Centre of Rio de Janeiro (for civil contingencies) and in...

SSC Seminar Series: Research Roundup

Mac-Corry Room D-411 (Sociology Lounge)
12:30 - 2:00 pm

Kick off the new SSC Seminar Series at our annual Research Round-up.

This meeting, traditionally the kick-off to the SSC Seminar Series at Queen's University, will give everyone the opportunity to welcome new and returning students, staff and faculty and update others on recent and ongoing research as it relates to the Surveillance...
