Queen's University

SSC Seminar Series: Adam Molnar, Queen's University

Wednesday, February 26: 12h30-14h00 Macdonald Hall 100 [note change of venue]
Adam Molnar, Postdoctoral Fellow, Surveillance Studies Centre, Queen's University

The Rise of Drones in Canada and the United States: policy contours and militarizing currents

This talk examines policy-networks, laws, and socio-political practices that mediate how authorities in Canada and the US are adopting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Comparing trends between...

SSC Seminar Series: Scott Thompson, Queen's University

Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 13h15-14h30, Mac Corry D411 [note change of time]
Scott Thompson, Postdoctoral Fellow, Surveillance Studies Centre, Queen's University

Social Sorting in the Pre-Electronic Era: surveillance, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario and the (re)production of the “Drunken Indian” stereotype in Ontario, 1927-1952

This seminar investigates the technologies and rationalities that the Liquor Control Board of Ontario deployed in...

SSC Seminar Series: Agnieszka Leszczynski, Queen's University

Agnieszka Leszczynski, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, Queen's University

Gender, Privacy, and the Location-aware Present

Wednesday, January 22
12:30pm to 2pm
Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room D411

This talk examines how the effects of the pervasive erosion of locational privacy – underwritten by the convergence of digital ICTs and location – are manifesting unevenly for individuals who embody different gender identities/positionalities, and why...

SSC Seminar Series: Ariel Salzmann

SSC Seminar Series:
Ariel Salzmann, PhD, Department of History, Queen's University

The Iberian Labyrinth: identity and inquisition in the making of an early modern deportation state (1391- 1613)

Mac-Corry Hall, Room D411 (Sociology Lounge)

12:30 - 2:00 pm

Distinctive among Western polities, the Iberian state forcibly assimilated many of its Jewish and Muslim subjects. Ambiguous identities, however, created a unique dilemma not only for...

Surveillance Studies PhDs Sought

Two Scholarships at the PhD level ( starting September 2016 ) are available in the Department of Sociology at Queen’s University to work on a project, funded through a SSHRC Partnership Grant on “Big Data Surveillance” under the supervision of David Lyon and/or David Murakami Wood . The project is a multi-disciplinary and comparative analysis of the development and impact of big data analytics in many domains: security, consumer, health, welfare, electoral, intelligence, employment and others.The project is coordinated through the Surveillance Studies Centre at Queen’s University.

Crime, Immigration and Surveillance Workshop @ Queen’s Nov 7 & 8, 2013

This workshop brings together experts on criminal law and theory, migration law and surveillance studies from a variety of traditions and jurisdictions. This workshop is open to faculty and students of Queen’s University. However, space is limited and advance registration is required.

If you wish to attend, please register with Megan Hamilton by Friday Nov. 1....

Professor David Lyon named to UK academy

Queen’s University professor David Lyon (Sociology) was recently inducted as an academician into the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in the United Kingdom. By Anne Craig, Communications Officer, Queen's News Centre

Sept 17, 2013: Queen’s University professor David Lyon (Sociology) was recently inducted as an academician into the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in the United Kingdom. This year...

Congratulations Amelia Cheston

News from Queen's Sociology department: "I am pleased to inform you that on June 24, 2013, Amelia Cheston successfully defended her Master’s thesis, “The Price of Loyalty: A Gendered Analysis of Consumer Surveillance”. Her supervisor was David Lyon and the members of the examining committee included Rob Beamish, chair and department head, Martin Hand as the internal examiner and Jay...

POSITION AVAILABLE: Post-doctoral Fellowship

Applications for a Post-doctoral Fellowship are sought within a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-funded project on The New Transparency at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada.

This is a seven-year Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) project (2008-2015). The successful applicant will be working with The New Transparency research team to support the online dissemination...

Doing Surveillance Studies: Critical Approaches to Methods and Pedagogy

The Donald Gordon Centre, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
May 30th – June 1st, 2013

Presented by
The New Transparency, a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Major Collaborative Research Initiative www.newtransparency.org


As the study of surveillance expands and a growing number of voices take up calls in the field for more research, greater public awareness,...
