PhD Fellowships Available - University of Victoria

Two Postgraduate Scholarships at the PhD level (beginning September 2017) are available in the Department of Political Science to work on a project, funded through a SSHRC Partnership Grant, on “Big Data Surveillance” under the supervision of Dr. Colin Bennett. The project is a broad interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of the development and impact of big data analytics in many domains: security, consumer, welfare, electoral, intelligence, employment and others. The project is coordinated through the Surveillance Studies Center at Queen's University.

Students with theoretical and empirical interest in surveillance studies, information and communications technology and politics, the politics of the Internet, security and intelligence, and privacy and civil liberties in Canada and internationally are encouraged to apply. I am especially interested in students able to assist with my project on voter surveillance.  Students will be funded through a combination of fellowship, research assistance, and teaching assistance funds, to a value of $20,000/year CAD for four years. 

In coming to the Department of Political Science at UVIC, doctoral students will be joining a vibrant PhD program based in a Department that values excellence in research and teaching. In addition to regular teaching assistant training and support, students will have other opportunities for professional development, such as research training, support for conference presentations and workshop participation, and field research support. Students also have many opportunities to participate in the activities of the Pacific Center for Technology and Culture:

 Applicants must apply for the PhD program in the Department of Political Science and indicate an interest in working on this project. The deadline for full consideration for the program is 15 December 2016 for international students and 15th January 2017 for applicants by Canadians and Canadian Permanent Residents.

 Informal enquiries should be made to Dr. Colin Bennett: