IPSI Public Lecture Series: Picturing Your Face as Data

Dr. Joseph Ferenbok
ICCIT Lecturer & Senior Researcher
Former IPSI Post-Doctoral Fellow & KMDI Graduate Fellow

Bahen Centre, 40 St. George Street, Room BA 4164

University of Toronto

Monday, October 25, 2010
4.15 pm - 5.45 pm (including Q&A)

The lecture will present a set of research questions at the intersection
between privacy, technology and identity. The discussion will present
broad understandings of how technologies are changing presentation of
faces in public places, and will present both themes and ideas
that link current research projects and look forward to future research.

Suggested Readings:

Agre P. 2001, Your Face Is Not a Bar Code: Arguments Against Automatic
Face Recognition in Public Places. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from
Gates K.A. 2006, 'Identifying the 9/11 'Faces of Terror' - the Promise
and Problem of Facial Recognition Technology', Cultural Studies, 20, 4, pp.