UK Information Commissioner Reports on the state of Surveillance

UK Information Commissioner reports to Parliament on the state of surveillance, based on an update report on developments since 2006 authored by SSN members.

On Thursday 11th November, Christopher Graham, the UK Information Commissioner, sent his report on the state of surveillance and recommendations for action to the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee. His report includes the SSN-authored ‘An update to a report on the surveillance society’, on which it is based.

The update report, co-authored by Charles Raab, Kirstie Ball, Stephen Graham, David Lyon, David Murakami Wood and Clive Norris, was written in the first half of 2010. It features a review of UK surveillance since they wrote the 2006 ‘Report on the Surveillance Society’ for the Information Commissioner’s Office. The new report focuses on developments in information collection, processing and dissemination, and on the regulatory challenges posed by these surveillance developments.

The Commissioner’s overview and recommendations, and the SSN update report, can be viewed here(link is external).

The original SSN-authored 2006 report, 'A Report on the Surveillance Society', is available here(link is external).