Congratulations to Stéphan Leman-Langlois, whose new edited collection Technocrime is now available from Willan Publishing. The book features chapters by David Lyon, Jean-Paul Brodeur and more.
'In Technocrime, Stéphane Leman-Langlois has done a masterful job of providing a critical examination of how recent technological innovations have changed both the mechanisms of crime commission - new opportunities, new techniques, new offenders, and new victims - and the mechanisms of crime prevention and control - by police, courts, corrections, and the private sector. After reading the collection of articles in this volume, the reader will find themselves reflecting on a recurring theme in Technocrime: technology is neither the cause of - nor the solution to - the crime problem; but by studying technocrime, we can gain a better understanding of the social - and increasingly technological - construction of crime causation, crime prevention, and crime control. Technocrime is essential reading for anyone interested in the consequences of technology on social interaction and social control.'
- James M. Byrne (Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Massachusetts)
More information on the book, including how to order, may be found here: