SSC Virtual Seminar: Book Launch: David Lyon & David Murakami Wood, Surveillance Studies Centre, Queen's University

Book Launch: Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence:
The Canadian Case
Edited by David Lyon and David Murakami Wood
UBC Press, December 2020

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence: The Canadian Case

For more information about the book, see here.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

12:30 – 1:30 pm

*Due to the limited capacity of the online-meeting platform, we have to adopt a first-come-first-serve principle. We will send the seminar link and password to registered participants.
Please RSVP to Delano Aragao Vaz by Tuesday March 23, 2021.


Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence reveals the profound shift to “big data” practices that security agencies have made in recent years, as the increasing volume of information from social media and open sources challenges traditional ways of gathering intelligence. Working together, the Five Eyes intelligence partners – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States – are using new methods of data analysis to identify and pre-empt risks to national security.

In Canada, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the RCMP, and the Communication Security Establishment face an uncertain regulatory environment and seemingly incompatible demands: to extend their surveillance, data gathering, and disruption/intervention powers while increasing accountability and transparency in the name of democratic values. But at what cost to civil liberties, human rights, and privacy protection?

About the speakers

David Lyon

David Murakami Wood

Everyone welcome!


This event was recorded and that recording is now available.  Please sign in to your zoom account before clicking on the recording link.

Here is the link for the recording:


When prompted, paste or type the following Passcode into the box: u#UY3+2T