Welcome back! Our next SSC Reading Group meeting will take place on Friday, January 28th, in the Sociology Lounge (D411), Mac-Corry, at Queen's.
The reading we will be discussing at this meeting is:
Elia Zureik's introductory chapter in "Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine".
(Zureik, E., D. Lyon and Y. Abu-Laban. (eds) (2010) Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine, London: Routledge)
Recommended background readings are:
Major, A. J. (1999) "State and Criminal Tribes in Colonial Punjab: Surveillance, Control and Reclamation of the 'Dangerous Classes'", Modern Asian Studies, 33(3): 657–688.
Brown, M. (2001) "Race, Science and the Construction of Native Criminality in Colonial India", Theoretical Criminology, 5: 345.
Legg, S. (2005) "Foucault's Population Geographies: Classifications, Biopolitics and Governmental Spaces", Popul. Space Place, 11: 137-156.
Hannah, M. (1997) "Space and the structuring of disciplinary power:
an interpretive review", Geogr. Ann., 79 B (3): 171-180.
Zureik, E. (2001) "Constructing Palestine through Surveillance Practices", British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 28(2): 205-227.