Signalling the Future of Intelligence Regulation in Canada? A panel discussion on the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC)

Tuesday, April 8
Mackintosh Corry Hall, Room D214
12:30 to 2:00pm

Sukanya Pillay

General Counsel and Executive Director, Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Wesley Wark

Visiting Research Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs,
University of Ottawa

Christopher Parsons

Post-doctoral Fellow,
Citizen Lab, University of Toronto

Despite an expanding mandate of CSECs signals intelligence responsibilities, in terms of economic resources, legal mandate, and technical capabilities, the agency has not seen a corresponding increase in the scale and scope of regulatory measures. This panel will discuss the existing state of CSEC operations in Canada, and will point towards challenges and opportunities for reform and regulation of signals intelligence practices in Canada.

Everyone Welcome!
Refreshments will be served

Co-sponsored by Queen’s Surveillance Studies Centre, School of Policy Studies and the Faculty of Law